Streaming With The Lights On

FTB 002 - "Cub" (2014)

April 11, 2022 SWTLO
Streaming With The Lights On
FTB 002 - "Cub" (2014)
Show Notes

What's that creaking up the stairs that chills the bone and raises hairs? It must be...FROM THE BASEMENT! Yes, our back-logged episodes are back. Come sit by the fire as Bryan n' Becca chat about feral kids and douchey Dutch counselors. This is one camping trip you won't want to take twice - if you survive!

Synopsis: "Over-imaginative 12 year-old Sam heads off to the woods to summer scout camp with his pack convinced he will encounter a monster...and he does."

Streaming on: Tubi, Amazon Prime
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Music is provided by CO.AG music